Your donation will help Catholic Charities Lake City provide food, shelter and support services to our community’s vulnerable children, families and individuals. It is only through your charitable donations of goods, services and direct financial contributions that we are able to offer assistance to those in need.
We sincerely hope you will participate by making a heartfelt donation with the knowledge that 91% of your contributions will go directly to our programs. Thank you for your continued support!
Your generosity goes a long way:
$75 - Feeds a family of four for a week
$100 - An average utility bill for one family
$250 - Feeds a family of four for a month
$500 - Funds programs monthly as needed
$1,500 - keeps a family safe by paying rent, utilities and groceries for one month.
$2,500 - Helps homeless families secure and stabilize housing.
$7,500- Keeps five (5) families safe by paying rent, utilities and groceries for one month
$10,000 - Keeps a fleet of three food trucks on the road every day for an entire year
Donate by Check | Tribute and Memorial Gifts in Lieu of Flowers | Employee Matching Gifts | Stocks and Bonds
Donate by Check
If you’d prefer to make a donation by check, please mail to:
Catholic Charities Lake City Regional Office
553 NW Railroad Street
Lake City, FL 32055
Tribute and Memorial Gifts In Lieu of Flowers
Contribute to Catholic Charities in honor of a person, in memory of someone who has died, or to mark an important occasion. We will send an appropriate acknowledgement of the contribution to you and to the person you specify to receive the notice.
Employee Matching Gifts
Do you know if your employer would match your contribution to Catholic Charities? Many companies match dollar-for-dollar the money their employees give to nonprofits. Some also contribute to charities where their employees volunteer. Contact your Human Resources Department to obtain a matching gift form, fill out the employee portion and mail it to Catholic Charities.
Stocks and Bonds
Catholic Charities also accepts donations of stocks and bonds.
Please call 386.754.9180 or email shannon@catholiccharitieslakecity.org.
In-Kind Donations
In-Kind donations are gifts of goods or services. These include food, diapers, toiletries, and gift cards. Please contact our office at 386.754.9180 to make arrangements for drop-off.
Wills and Bequests
Please call 386.754.9180 for more information.
Planned Giving
Planned Giving supports Catholic Charities Lake City both now and into the future! There are many gift planning opportunities available to you as our benefactor when planning your estate. The simplest and easiest is to name Catholic Charities Lake City in your will or trust. We urge you to consider this and other options today to ensure that our Catholic faith and values are available in our community for years to come!
For more information about how to leave a legacy or make other gift plans for Catholic Charities Lake City, visit the Catholic Foundation’s “Gift Planning” resource pages online – https://cflegacy.org/ or contact the foundation directly.
You can contact Cliff Evans, Planned Giving Officer, for more details or assistance at:
Catholic Foundation
Diocese of St. Augustine
11625 Old St. Augustine Rd.
Jacksonville, FL. 32258-2060
Office: 904-262-3200 ext. 139
Visit https://cf.dosafl.com/giving/ to learn how to plan a gift today!
Please seek the advice of your attorney and/or financial planner regarding arrangements for making a faith legacy gift plan today. Thank you for leaving a lasting legacy of support for the future of Catholic Charities Lake City.